Chinese Bridge forms Academic Board headed by former senior MOE Curriculum Specialist
Chinese Bridge Language School (CBLS) is gearing up for the future with the setting up of an Academic Board recently to boost its holistic support for students learning the [...]
Helping Junior Deal with Exam Stress
For many children, examinations are a nightmare as they fear that they will disappoint their parents and be ostracised by their peers if they do badly. Faced with such [...]
BBC Study Links Speech and Drama with Intelligence
According to a study conducted by the BBC, the standard IQ test neglects to take into consideration multiple other aspects of intelligence, rendering it inaccurate and biased. [...]
Chinese Bridge Language School’s Teachers Training Programme
“学习如逆水行舟,不进则退,不学则殆。” —陈独秀 In tandem with its initiative to improve on the quality of education provided to students, Chinese Bridge Language School conducted its very first intensive Teachers’ Training Programme [...]
One-on-one consultation with Academic Head of Chinese Bridge Language School
“Chinese is the key international language of the future. To be global-ready, every child needs to be proficient in it.” This, is the belief of Dr Tan Yeow Chuan, [...]